Thursday, May 10, 2012

Article: More Priceless Benefits Of MACA

MACA is basically known as a vegetable root that is found in the Andes Mountains.  In fact, Spaniards who have ruled several regions used it as an energy enhancer and soon developing countries discovered MACA and called it as the “lost herb”.  In addition, MACA benefits include the treatment of traumas, depression, addictions and any other diseases.  Actually, MACA also goes with its other name as Peruvian Ginseng that offers its medicinal properties.

There are a lot of MACA benefits that naturopaths have revealed.  They said that MACA is considered as a “super food”.  Below are the priceless benefits of MACA to a lot of consumers.

Increasing Strength:
MACA helps increase one’s strength and energy.  Even Incan warriors often took MACA root before they go on a fight in a battle.  Using MACA gave them limitless energy and strength, hence it has so long been reported that MACA extends a lot of its benefits since ancient times.

Increased Libido:
Aside from the fact that it increased strength, it also increased libido.  MACA root which is called as the “super food”, can help improve sexual impulses to a lot of people.  This root can enhance the libido, working equally to both women and men.  MACA helps men to combat meal impotency and sperm activity.  More importantly, it stimulates the fertility of both women and men which is why MACA is greatly considered as “Viagra of the Herbal Kingdom”.

Menstrual Relief:
MACA can ease the agonizing pain brought by menstrual cycle, which is what women can’t get used to.  It is also considered as a natural remedy on menstrual cramps and a great relief of menstrual cycle symptoms such as fatigue, backache, nausea, painful cramping and headache.  If you are a woman, you can help yourself to feed good inside and out with MACA.

Hormone Regulator:
MACA root can be used as a hormone regulator that basically regulates pituitary axis or hypothalamus.  It means to say that it maintain the activity of hormones inside the body of both women and men.  For women, especially those who just enter the post menopausal period can control sudden mood swings, depression, hot flashes and any related problem.  In addition, MACA root takes good care of menopausal, pre-menopausal conditions and the sudden change of estrogen levels to women and men.  MACA root is truly the best therapy for natural hormone replacement.

Pituitary Glands:
Pituitary Glands are responsible in sending signals on other glands and organs.  MACA extends its benefits by regulating the gland to function properly.  It can normally help the body to stay fit and healthy.

MACA especially the raw one contains protein amino acids, magnesium, iron, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A, vitamin B1, B2, B3, B12, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E and a lot of alkaloid and minerals.  When all these nutrients have been put together, the body is given its required nutrients MACA is also being used in cooking, like a regular spice, in order that maximum benefits can be obtained.