Thursday, May 10, 2012

Article: The Side Effects Of MACA

MACA cultivated atop the mountain Andes in Peru, is a unique root known as a fertility booster and aphrodisiac.  It also extends its other health benefits but expect for its side effects if not properly administered.

History recalls that MACA was hailed as it extends health benefits and infuses energy and strength to people.  On the other hand, ongoing researches revealed certain conditions where in MACA side effects can be seen in an individual.  Therefore, it is necessary for you to find out all side effects of MACA before using them.  Here are MACA side effects that can affect you if you are a bit inattentive while taking it.

First thing and foremost, it is stipulated dosage should strictly be followed.  This is done in order that overdose issues can be avoided.  Herbalists recommend that 1500 – 3000 mg of MACA is enough to be consumed on regular basis.  However, physicians advise to stop its regular intake say for at least two weeks after every two months in order that the body won’t be dependent on it.

When its exact dosage is not followed, MACA side effects would often start to show.  MACA can boost sexual activeness and libido;  however, when consumed in relatively large quantity can lead to men’s hyperactivity as it increases the number of testosterone in the body.  It means to say that a stipulated dose should be administered to enjoy a prolonged sexual activity while increasing you sperm count.  If you will use it as as aphrodisiac, 3000 mg dosage of MACA is effective than 1500 mg one.

Also known as an energy booster when the amount of dosage is increased it may actually lead to insomnia.  The body is full of vigor and stamina that it doesn’t even know how or where to channelize.  Often times, this can be accompanied by an increase in heartbeat rate, profuse sweating, extreme anxiety and hot flashes.

In addition,  MACA contain 8.5% fiber which is why it influences the digestive system. If consumed excessively, fibers will speed up the digestion process that often leads to diarrhea and gas.  As a result, it can subsequently affect the condition of dehydration.  It has also been noted that the body’s potassium levels suddenly rise in some cases.

If in case it is consumed along with a low iodine diet, it can naturally cause goiters owing to the presence of high glucosinolates, a sulfur-nitrogen organic compound.  Although it’s not yet proven but it can surely interfere with thyroid medicines administered to mostly all thyroid patients.  It is because MACA contains minerals like iron and calcium which may prevent the absorption of medications in the thyroid gland.  In addition, it can also hinder the good effects brought by antibiotic medicines internally.

As with the case of expecting mothers, MACA should be kept away especially during the gestational period.  It can also affect the condition of the baby as MACA supplements are basically derived from vegetables, so it means to say that it contains contaminants and certain ingredients that can affect both of the baby and mother.

Warning: Symptoms On The Side Effect

Worsens Symptoms Of Thyroid Disease:
-       MACA root contains more than 50 µg of iodine, which worsens the side effects of Thyroid Disease.  People with Thyroid Diseases are warned not to eat MACA root.

Causes Goiters:
-       Another dangerous side effect of MACA root consumption is goiters, caused by the Glucosinolate chemical in raw MACA root.  Combines with a low sodium diet, MACA root increases the development goiters.

Cause Allergy:
-       Some people are allergic to MACA root.  Symptoms include hives, fatigue and flushed skin.

Increase Endurance:
-       MACA root increase physical endurance in men.  MACA root promotes testosterone production in the body, which enables men to participate in physical activities for longer periods of time.