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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Article: More Priceless Benefits Of MACA

MACA is basically known as a vegetable root that is found in the Andes Mountains.  In fact, Spaniards who have ruled several regions used it as an energy enhancer and soon developing countries discovered MACA and called it as the “lost herb”.  In addition, MACA benefits include the treatment of traumas, depression, addictions and any other diseases.  Actually, MACA also goes with its other name as Peruvian Ginseng that offers its medicinal properties.

There are a lot of MACA benefits that naturopaths have revealed.  They said that MACA is considered as a “super food”.  Below are the priceless benefits of MACA to a lot of consumers.

Increasing Strength:
MACA helps increase one’s strength and energy.  Even Incan warriors often took MACA root before they go on a fight in a battle.  Using MACA gave them limitless energy and strength, hence it has so long been reported that MACA extends a lot of its benefits since ancient times.

Increased Libido:
Aside from the fact that it increased strength, it also increased libido.  MACA root which is called as the “super food”, can help improve sexual impulses to a lot of people.  This root can enhance the libido, working equally to both women and men.  MACA helps men to combat meal impotency and sperm activity.  More importantly, it stimulates the fertility of both women and men which is why MACA is greatly considered as “Viagra of the Herbal Kingdom”.

Menstrual Relief:
MACA can ease the agonizing pain brought by menstrual cycle, which is what women can’t get used to.  It is also considered as a natural remedy on menstrual cramps and a great relief of menstrual cycle symptoms such as fatigue, backache, nausea, painful cramping and headache.  If you are a woman, you can help yourself to feed good inside and out with MACA.

Hormone Regulator:
MACA root can be used as a hormone regulator that basically regulates pituitary axis or hypothalamus.  It means to say that it maintain the activity of hormones inside the body of both women and men.  For women, especially those who just enter the post menopausal period can control sudden mood swings, depression, hot flashes and any related problem.  In addition, MACA root takes good care of menopausal, pre-menopausal conditions and the sudden change of estrogen levels to women and men.  MACA root is truly the best therapy for natural hormone replacement.

Pituitary Glands:
Pituitary Glands are responsible in sending signals on other glands and organs.  MACA extends its benefits by regulating the gland to function properly.  It can normally help the body to stay fit and healthy.

MACA especially the raw one contains protein amino acids, magnesium, iron, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A, vitamin B1, B2, B3, B12, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E and a lot of alkaloid and minerals.  When all these nutrients have been put together, the body is given its required nutrients MACA is also being used in cooking, like a regular spice, in order that maximum benefits can be obtained.

Article: The Side Effects Of MACA

MACA cultivated atop the mountain Andes in Peru, is a unique root known as a fertility booster and aphrodisiac.  It also extends its other health benefits but expect for its side effects if not properly administered.

History recalls that MACA was hailed as it extends health benefits and infuses energy and strength to people.  On the other hand, ongoing researches revealed certain conditions where in MACA side effects can be seen in an individual.  Therefore, it is necessary for you to find out all side effects of MACA before using them.  Here are MACA side effects that can affect you if you are a bit inattentive while taking it.

First thing and foremost, it is stipulated dosage should strictly be followed.  This is done in order that overdose issues can be avoided.  Herbalists recommend that 1500 – 3000 mg of MACA is enough to be consumed on regular basis.  However, physicians advise to stop its regular intake say for at least two weeks after every two months in order that the body won’t be dependent on it.

When its exact dosage is not followed, MACA side effects would often start to show.  MACA can boost sexual activeness and libido;  however, when consumed in relatively large quantity can lead to men’s hyperactivity as it increases the number of testosterone in the body.  It means to say that a stipulated dose should be administered to enjoy a prolonged sexual activity while increasing you sperm count.  If you will use it as as aphrodisiac, 3000 mg dosage of MACA is effective than 1500 mg one.

Also known as an energy booster when the amount of dosage is increased it may actually lead to insomnia.  The body is full of vigor and stamina that it doesn’t even know how or where to channelize.  Often times, this can be accompanied by an increase in heartbeat rate, profuse sweating, extreme anxiety and hot flashes.

In addition,  MACA contain 8.5% fiber which is why it influences the digestive system. If consumed excessively, fibers will speed up the digestion process that often leads to diarrhea and gas.  As a result, it can subsequently affect the condition of dehydration.  It has also been noted that the body’s potassium levels suddenly rise in some cases.

If in case it is consumed along with a low iodine diet, it can naturally cause goiters owing to the presence of high glucosinolates, a sulfur-nitrogen organic compound.  Although it’s not yet proven but it can surely interfere with thyroid medicines administered to mostly all thyroid patients.  It is because MACA contains minerals like iron and calcium which may prevent the absorption of medications in the thyroid gland.  In addition, it can also hinder the good effects brought by antibiotic medicines internally.

As with the case of expecting mothers, MACA should be kept away especially during the gestational period.  It can also affect the condition of the baby as MACA supplements are basically derived from vegetables, so it means to say that it contains contaminants and certain ingredients that can affect both of the baby and mother.

Warning: Symptoms On The Side Effect

Worsens Symptoms Of Thyroid Disease:
-       MACA root contains more than 50 µg of iodine, which worsens the side effects of Thyroid Disease.  People with Thyroid Diseases are warned not to eat MACA root.

Causes Goiters:
-       Another dangerous side effect of MACA root consumption is goiters, caused by the Glucosinolate chemical in raw MACA root.  Combines with a low sodium diet, MACA root increases the development goiters.

Cause Allergy:
-       Some people are allergic to MACA root.  Symptoms include hives, fatigue and flushed skin.

Increase Endurance:
-       MACA root increase physical endurance in men.  MACA root promotes testosterone production in the body, which enables men to participate in physical activities for longer periods of time.

Article: What Are The Benefits Of MACA Root For Women?

Menopause System:
MACA root is often used instead of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) in menopausal women. It affects the pituitary gland. While HRT stimulates hormone production and can cause ovaries to atrophy, MACA root simply helps to balance it without damaging a woman’s body.  This herb is a natural hormone balancer that helps to relieve menopausal symptoms, which result from hormonal imbalances.  These symptoms include night sweats, hot flashes, mood swings, vaginal dryness and depression.  It also helps to alleviate the symptoms of fibromialgia.

Many women use MACA root supplements to help combat infertility as well.  While there are few statistics available on the effectiveness of the treatment, the Australian Magazine “Good Medicine” states that laboratory of rats have found that they had improved fertility after eating MACA.

Menstrual Relief:
MACA is also considered effective in relieving menstrual symptoms.  Since many of these symptoms seem to be directly related to the body’s inability to fully absorb the vitamins and minerals it needs, MACA root’s anti-oxidant properties and hormone-balance qualities are a good way to counteract that.

Expert Insight:
“Whenever possible, I prefer to use MACA therapy rather than Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) because HRT actually ages the body diminishing the hormone producing capability of the glands,” Dr Rebbe Gabriel Cousens, a diplomat of the American Board Of Holistic Medicine.  “MACA have proved to be very effective with menopausal patients in eliminating hot flashes and depression and in increasing energy level.”

Scientists attest that MACA is a means of normalizing steroid hormones like testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen.  Therefore, it has facility to forestall the hormonal changes of aging.

Organic MACA Powder (raw) is an adaptogenic root that enhances your ability to deal with stress and alleviate depression while boosting energy, endurance and performance.

Article: What Are The Benefits Of MACA For Men?

Men who experience low libido because of issues like depression can take MACA root to increase their level of desire.

Erectile Dysfunction:
The root can help combat impotence in men, which is the inability to achieve an erection long enough to have satisfactory intercourse, to reach a climax or both.

MACA root can increase a man’s stamina or lasting power in the bedroom as well as improve his overall energy.

Improved Fertility:
According to, a study on how MACA affects sperm production found that that the rood increased the volume of semen and sperm count in the test subjects.

 Hormone Stabalizer:
This root can help balance such male sex hormones as testosterone and progesterone which can provide support for men suffering from hormone imbalances.

Article: How To Use MACA Root For Health?

The Discovery Health Channel recommends 3000 to 5000 miligrams of powder daily to achieve beneficial effects.  For MACA extract, the daily dose ranges from 1800 to 2250 miligrams.

Record any unexpected side effects that you should discuss with a health practitioner.  Some women have reported breast tenderness at maximum doses.  Complementary medicine practitioners suggest that this signals a need to reduce daily dosage.

MACA roots contains a significant amount of many vitamins and minerals found in over the counter vitamin supplements including iron and B12.

In recent years, scientific studies have isolated important compounds in MACA root that could explain it is beneficial effects on your body.

To date, no studies have shown any toxicity from build-up of MACA roots chemical compounds in the body; however, consult a physician before and during diet supplementation.

If you are considering MACA root as an alternative to hormone replacement therapy, be sure to check is any additional supplements will be needed to achieve the same level of protection, particularly for bone loss.

MACA root is touted as a “Super-Food” due to its many reported benefits.  It is most often used to promote sexual and reproductive health but proponents also say it can increase endurance and energy levels and can help to treat diseases ranging from depression to cancer.

Article: A Brief History Of MACA Magic

Though it is believed that MACA was cultivated as early as 4000B.C.  It was most likely fully domesticated between 1200 and 100 B.C. by the Pumpush.  Fierce warrior tribes that migrated up from the jungles.  It continued to cultivated throughout the Andean highlands and was brought to greater perfection by the Yaro, who arrived between 1100 and 1470 A.D.  They cultivated immense fields of MACA, highly desirable for its “fabulous fertility and aphrodisiacal properties”.  After the Inca conquest of these tribes, they sent great quantities to Cusco as tribute to their new rulers.

 In their turn, the conquered Incas and their minios paid tribute to the Spanish in MACA and other goods.  In 1549, it is listed in the records as the only good sent as tribute to the colonial government, a whopping 15000-18000 pounds.  Even though the Spanish officially despised native foods, they may have dipped into MACA bag for two reasons:-

  1.    The high altitudes of the Andes made the Spaniards nearly infertile.
  2.    MACA had a long indigenous tradition of increasing fertility and fortitude.

Within the traditional Andean medicine concept of cold and hot, MACA is a hot plant.  The properties attributed to this singular plant include increase in fertility in all mammals, aphrodisiac, revitalizer and regulator, anti-arthritic, helpful in respiratory maladies.  No wonder traditional consumers of MACA have a saying : MACA is life, MACA is health.

Knowledge of this letter roots properties, passed word of mouth through generations since time immemorial tell of its use to increase fertility in humans and livestock alike; its ability to relieve frigidity in women and impotence in men; its adaptogenic virtues of revitalizers of internal organs and regulator of menstruation, and reliever of symptoms of menopause.  It is also recommended for malnutrition, convalescence, memory loss, mental debility, and as a general tonic.  It is anti-arthritic properties as a hot plant.  It is use in treating respiratory ailments.  Some herbalists recommended not using MACA for people with hypertension.  However, this counter indication has not been tested scientifically.

Article: What Is MACA?

MACA knowns as the botanical species Lepidium Peruvianum, is a root vegetable originally from Peru.  It is eaten up to 3 times a day by Peruvians, from professional athletes to the elderly to give them energy, increase emotional stability, higher sexual ability and build immune function. 

MACA used to promote energy, support strength and act as an aphrodisiac.  It is grown above 13000 feet in very cold, harsh climates.  It is considered to be a highly nutritious, energy-promoting food that support strength and endurance.  It is current popularity goes back to its reputation as an aphrodisiac and its apparent and ability to restore the libido after treatment for depression.  MACA’s reputation as an energetic, stamina and fertility enhancer, increasing commerce and power.

MACA is used for infertility, impotence, menopause and sexual dysfunction in men and women taking anti-depressants.  Clinical trials are currently being conducted at Massachusetts General Hospital for its use for sexual dysfunctional and acute anterior uveitis, a painful condition of swelling and inflammation behind the eye.

What Is Tongkat Ali?

Tongkat Ali the Malaysia Ginseng is a Malaysia Highland specialty product.  The root of Tongkat Ali is extremely high in nutritional value, which contains 5 times more flavonoid compared to ginseng.  People of Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia knew well merit of this medicine root.  Using it daily can promote stronger body.  Treat diabetes, blood pressure, blood sugar, migraine, hypertrophy of prostate, anti-toxin, improves blood circulation and strengthens blood vessels.

Origin: Malaysia
Quality Assurance

Species & Grade: 
Yellow: AA, A+, A & B
Red: A+, A & B
Black: A+, A & B

Available Type:
Tongkat Ali Root Powder (loose or capsule) 
Tongkat Ali Root Powder Extract (loose or capsule) 
Tongkat Ali Root Powder Extract Mixed with Maca Root (capsule)
Tongkat Ali Root with Honey
Tea Bag

Aluminium Vacumm

What Is Kacip Fatimah?
Kacip Fatimah (Labisia Pumila) is a small and short woody plant that can be found widely in the South East Asia rain forest.  It grows beside the Tongkat Ali tree.

Kacip Fatimah is the Malay women's traditional medicine, the most significant effect used as a tea for women who experience from loss of libido, facilitating comfortable childbirth by naturally toning and firming their abdominal muscles to women healthcare.
Besides, it also traditionally used by native women to provides a smooth and comfortable menstrual cycle for women and to enhancing vitality, overcome mentally tiredness, diarrhea, bloating, help to tone vaginal muscles and other problems for women.

Kacip Fatimah is a treasure for Malaysia. It has long been used as the medicine to Malay women in their generation. Kacip Fatimah is suitable for men and women of all ages.  It does not contain any side effect after drinking and it can achieve the maintenance of good health.

100% Nature Kacip Fatimah 

Kacip Fatimah Powder - mix or leaf only (loose or capsule)
Kacip Fatimah Powder Extract (loose or capsule)
Kacip Fatimah Powder Extract mixed with Maca Root (capsule)

Tea Bag